Holiday Stress Is Coming To Town | CWK#013

It’s holiday time on the “Conversations with KidsPeace” podcast – actually, it’s holiday stress that guests Adrienne Pauling and Michelle…
De-Escalation | CWK#012

On the Conversations with KidsPeace podcast, we look at the latest issue of Healing Magazine and its focus on de-escalation…

Bob MartinNovember 21, 2018
Foster Talk | CWK#011

On the latest Conversations with KidsPeace podcast, the two foster parents behind the “Foster Talk” feature on talk about how…

Bob MartinNovember 2, 2018
Introducing Daysha | CWK#010

On our podcast, we invite you to meet an Indiana foster teen and hear her insights about how she grew…

Bob MartinOctober 9, 2018

It’s that time of year again – families are starting to get ready for summer to end and school to…

Bob MartinAugust 15, 2018
Critical Incident Response Team | CWK#008

In times of crisis or disaster, we rely on the courage and skill of first responders to help those affected. …

Bob MartinJuly 26, 2018
Fighting Sex Trafficking of Children | CWK#007

Sex trafficking of children isn’t a problem just in other countries – it’s happening in America as well, and communities…

Bob MartinJuly 10, 2018
Getting Lost In TechnoReality | CWK#006

On the Conversations with KidsPeace podcast, a special episode focused on the new issue of KidsPeace’s Healing Magazine and the…

Bob MartinJune 5, 2018
Fostering Opioid Impacted Infants | CWK#005

One of the heart-breaking aspects of America’s opioid epidemic is its impact on foster care – especially when it comes…

Bob MartinMay 14, 2018